It has been another exciting week here in the Wilkes-Barre ward! This past week has seemed like the longest week I've had in a while. A lot happened! Let me expound my week to you day by day.
Monday: A bunch of Elders from the Scranton ward came down and we played basketball all p-day. That night we were able to see Jimmy one last time before he slipped back off to Utah. It was pretty awesome.
Tuesday: We did some service for a member in the ward. We worked on his yard for a couple hours and we saw a less active member that is almost reactivated. His name is Julius and he is such an awesome guy. It is so cool to see how quickly I am able to develop relationships with people as I teach them he gospel, and help them come closer to Christ. The love of Christ is real, and He shares it with us! Then we had dinner with the bishop, and we went with a member to give another
sick member a blessing.
Wednesday: We had interviews with President Anderson. That guy knows what he is doing. He is such a great mission president. He loves to mess with us though. It seems like he is always dropping really vague hints about upcoming transfers, and then you and all the other missionaries just start to speculate and everyone goes insane. For example, for the past 7 months, every interview I've had with him he
has asked my companion if I'm ready to train, and he always tells me that there are a lot of new elders coming in, and lots of opportunity for leadership coming up. Then when your companion keeps bringing it up over and over again it gets under your skin big time. Needless to say, transfers stress me out big time. They are next week btw and having just doubled in, I would assume we are both staying for one more, but vague hints got me thinking otherwise, so we will see. Anyways, after interviews we drove back to Wilkes-Barre, and we got a call that someone needed help moving. So we went off and helped this less active, and her investigator boyfriend (other elders) move for most of the day. It was a cool experience though because they kept asking me why I was so happy while I was helping someone move, which to them is a reason to be miserable I guess. It was awesome as I was able to teach them from my actions, and attitude about the scriptures. I shared with them some of the scriptures about happiness that I love. (Mosiah 2:41, 2 Nephi 2:25, 2 Nephi 10:23)
Thursday: We had district meeting, and then planning, and then dinner
with a member, and that was Thursday. Not much ended up happening.
Friday: We had a lesson with Marlo, who I believe I've told you about.
This was the first time we were able to actually teach her so it was
nice. Our WML and his wife came with us and we taught her the Restoration. She has a lot of questions and she knows how to talk, so sometimes it's hard to stay on topic, but all of her questions are sincere and awesome. She has a lot of hard stuff in her life, and it's cool because she really wants to know if the church is true because she can see how it will help her through it. She is solid. We set her with a baptismal date for August, and we will see how it goes. She's been reading the Book of Mormon and taking notes and praying, and it is so awesome. Investigators that are eager to keep commitments are such a refreshment because the gospel is true and anyone who actually takes the time to search it will know it. So it's awesome!
Saturday: We went and played basketball with investigators and members up at the church... Basketball is fun. Basketball is fun because I am good at defense... Really good. But let's just say that no one usually passes me the ball. So I basically just guard people and try and get in the way of the other team as much as possible... But that is besides the point. Saturday morning we got a call from the Bishop. He messed up and forgot to get speakers for Sunday. So he asked us to
give talks. So we went home and wrote our talks, stopped by some people, and found a new online investigator from Nigeria.
Sunday: We gave our talks. It was great. It really was great. I'll send you a picture of my talk. I wrote it in my study journal, but then I ended up not using it much. So I'll send you the rough draft of my talk. But then we had some fun adventures. One thing that is happening to me that I never ever thought would happen, is I love talking to people that want to bash. It's terrible... Well it's pretty great actually. It's terrible because I put us into situations that Elder Pintor sometimes doesn't like and because we aren't supposed to bash. But it's awesome because I've learned how to bash in a non- contentious way... I love it to be honest... It's really good that I'm not serving in the south, or in a place with tons of bashers, because I have way too much fun with them. Anyways, this email has been a little longer, my mom always asks for more details... So there ya go!
The church is true, and the work is the best thing anyone could possibly ever do! Love ya!
~Elder Jorgensen
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Elder Jorgensen and Elder Pintor |
{Here is the talk Elder Jorgensen referred to in his letter.
You may need the Urim and Thummim to translate.} :)